Sunday, October 28, 2007

50 TAHUN SDAR - Event Day1

Fuhhh. . . . . !!!!!!! Penaat betul. . . . . . . Belum fully recovered from yesterday's event. Macam kena dera. . . . . . Early morning, around 5.45am, BABA called through my mobile to wake me up for the golf game, in fact I was preparing for my SUBUH prayer then. 6.30 Dondeng plak follow-up while I was leaving the house. We agreed to pool car on this trip, just like any other trip to Seremban. So imagine lah awal pagi dah jaga then main golf, pas tu suport futsal team sampai masuk final, then beraya kat rumah Asiong, then Dinner function kat SDAR, then teh tarik & "bell" session kat Senawang. 1.00pagi baru nak gerak balik lepas kambing bukak langkah. . . . . .3.00 lebih baru sampai rumah. . . . . hari nih my two sons ada concert lak . . . .memang flat. . . . Tapi tetap puas hati sebab dapat jumpa semula geng lama. Bukan nak senang nak dapat lebih 50 orang batch 826 gathered since the last 20 years.

Macam BABA kata yesterday's gathering was a realization of what was visualized by one of our colleague while SDAR celebrated her silver jubilee in 1982, the year we first met 25 years ago. Followings are my journal of the beautiful day.


This time it was organised by our non other than Bro Sle from batch 76. Likewise, the othe
r round pun was orgnised by him, hehehe . . . .

Dondeng, BABA & myself were the only representatives from our batch. Potet tak jadi main last minute due to some commitments. We tee off in the same flight out of six from other batches. On the second nine Asiong joined us lepas sesat kat Seremban International Golf Club , we actually played at Tunku Jaafar Golf Club. Hahaha. . . . lawak, lawak. . . . .

By 12.30 we all concluded the game. We revived our burned calories from the kuih raya , lemang, ketupat and rendang at golfers terrace, club house. One of the super senior emerged as champion this time. Some familiar faces are Payau 85, Mat Grr, Ehsan, Kashfi, Tom, Zai Kayu from 82, Belatok, Ed Salman from 83.

Otai Futsal
Our batch organi
ses this game. Introducing the challenge trophy. Teams from 83, 84, 86, 88, 89 participated in the round robin mode of play.

Key players are Kunta (muntah belilah), Cukai (lutut out), Balok (asyik cramp), Udang (top scorer), Asiong (kejap player, kejap medic), Madiah (keeper maut), GS (import for semi & final), Dondeng (super sub final)

Kencing player : Tobak (sampai smart)

Cheer squad : Nami, Kambing, BABA, Balon

Cameraman : Gua lah, sapa lagi. .
. . . .

Please give a big round of applause to our team. . . . . . for securing the 1st runner-up place. We lost to batch 89 by 3-2. It's okay, it's alright, it's a gooooodddd try!!

Beraya di rumah Asiong
Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin Asiong. Terima Kasih sebab bersusah payah menyediakan juadah untuk kami semua dan juga tempat mandi dan menukar pakaian sebelum Dinner 50 tahun SDAR.


M.Shuhaimi@GS said...

KABU, pembetulan - aku bukannya im[ort untuk semi dengan final aje. Aku keluar hantar wife dan anak-anak check in kat hotel masa futsal break tu.

KABU said...

Okay lah nanti kalau sempat aku amend la. . . . .

Sifu Mirza said...

punyalah silau mata aku dengan flash kamera kau... takda pun gambar 'sehelai rambut' aku...


Sifu Mirza said...


kudos to you bro...

kau confirm ajk tertinggi biro telekomunikasi sdara nanti...